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    Thursday, January 11, 2007
    What I read in my bible today
    Today when I read in my Bible I read in Genesis, from chapter 27 to chapter 50 and in the chapters between I noted a few things. From the notes in chapter 27 (in my new study bible :D) I realized that the whole rather silent conflict that probably started with Esau trading his birth right for soup, pretty much degenerated the whole family:

    Esau married Hittites and they "made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah" and when he traded his birthright for soup he started hating Jacob.

    Jacob used Esau's low blood sugar to con him out of his birthright, and helped to deceive his father which made his older brother hate him even more.

    Rebekah had the idea to deceive her husband and convinced Jacob to help. (Not that he was really walking circumspectly) and then later (probably because she deceived her husband) she died unnoted.

    Isaac tried to thwart God by telling Esau "Go get me some food and then I'll bless you," when he knew that Jacob was supposed to get the blessing and then he trusted in his fallible senses instead of God to guide him.

    In chapter 29-30 Jacob meets and marries Leah and Rachel and the war between them starts.
    Jacob offers to serve seven years for Rachel (and it says that it only seemed like a few days to him because he loved her so much) but Laban deceives him (quite an ironic turn of the tables on the guy whose name means deciever) and tricks him into marrying Leah, and in the morning he's all "wait a second, that is not the girl I served for!" and then sneaky ol' Laban makes him serve another seven years for the girl that he was supposed to get in the first place(and there's no mention of it seeming like a few days this time).
    But in chapter 29 Leah bears Jacob 4 sons in a row and he still didn't love her. What I first thought was "how mean!" but then I realized that it was pretty much Leah's fault because she couldn't have been innocent in tricking Jacob into marrying her, I mean think about it, if a handsome man was hanging around the house and is working for your cute little sister, is there really any chance that you wouldn't figure out that there was something fishy about you marrying him on the same day that he was supposed to marry your sister?
    In chapter 30 Rachel gets jealous of Leah's children and decides that she will just adopt the children that her maid is going to have by Jacob, and when Leah sees that this is working she does the same thing and gives her maid to Jacob and I realised as I read this that this whole race/war/contest for Jacob's love had to have lasted several several years at least, yet Leah was buried in the cave with Sarah, Abraham, Isaac, and Rebekah, while Rachel was buried in the roadside (albeit with a pillar over her grave), and Leah was the mother of Judah which means that she was included in the Messianic line while Rachael the favorite wife wasn't.

    In chapter 34 about Dinah and Shechem I wondered if Dinah even wanted to stay with him because after what he did to her, I know that I sure wouldn't even want to see his face again.
    And I wonder if she even had any say in it, because when Simeon and Levi slaughtered the city they took her out of the house of Shechem which means he still hadn't let her go.
    My Mom and I were speculating, what was it about the women in that family that kings noticed and wanted them? Kings who could have had pretty much any woman that they wanted noticed and said "I want her" A king noticed Sarah, 2 Kings noticed Rebekah, and a prince, a son of a king noticed Dinah. Maybe they had red hair or something (Esau had red hair all over), or extremely white skin.

      posted at 5:05 PM

    At 11:36 AM, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why don't you try reading The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant? it is a beautiful story based on all these Bible chapters. And it can give you another perspective to your questions.

    At 1:12 PM, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I know that story almost by heart.

    ps........my blog HomeschoolHattie

    At 2:22 PM, March 15, 2007, Blogger Portrait of Peter said...

    The Bible has a special place both on my bookshelf and above all in my heart.

    The motivation to continue to read the Bible is all the more as each time I open the first page is a dedication from my dear mother to me.

    Genesis is certainly "thought provoking" and I often refer back.

    May you continue to derive a great deal of pleasure as you seek knowledge that the Bible has to offer and your sharings with your sisters and brother and with your dear parents too.

    Blessings to you all.


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    Name: Deanna
    Location:: Rural Texas, USA

    I am a christian homeshooled 13 year old with 6 sisters and 1 brother,1 rabbit and about 1/10 ownership rights to a golden retriever named Lady. As the title of this blog implies we live in a house that we built ourselves with the help of some Uncles, and some cousins.

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