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    Tuesday, March 27, 2007
    chapter 3
    As Kaitlyn is away I am filling in for her and posting chapter 3 to my blog instead of hers

    Susie was getting exasperated. Miss Alice was being cranky today and to top off her bad mood that awful disgusting Count Damien (whoever he was) had had 2 men hanged in the market
    "Hmph" she said to no one in particular and finished taking her hair down for her bath. As she washed, she reflected on her day, apart from Alice, and seeing those men hung- oh she would like to give that disgusting monster a piece of her mind!
    She got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around herself, and peeking out of the bathroom to make sure noody was near she ran across the hall to her room.
    Once she was dried off she looked through her rather small wardrobe and picked out her best dress (she had been instucted to wear her best clothes as the young lady who was marrying Baron Jonathan's eldest son was visiting with her father and two of her brothers tonight), The sky blue one with the violet sash that matched her eyes exactly would do.
    When she was done she combed her long brown hair out and braided it, and as she braided her hair she idly wondered, who could the father of the bride be?

      posted at 2:51 PM

    At 7:50 AM, April 07, 2007, Blogger Portrait of Peter said...

    The plot starts to take shape with additional characters along the way. Your grasp of emotions - is so perfectly placed in this chapter and an ending worthy of further suspense and mystique.

    A wonderful read - worthy of the highest praise for you and your sisters achievements.

    Blessings to you all.


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    Name: Deanna
    Location:: Rural Texas, USA

    I am a christian homeshooled 13 year old with 6 sisters and 1 brother,1 rabbit and about 1/10 ownership rights to a golden retriever named Lady. As the title of this blog implies we live in a house that we built ourselves with the help of some Uncles, and some cousins.

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